Don't Forget to Recharge Your Batteries

Don’t forget to recharge your batteries!


The other day, I forgot to charge my cell phone overnight and woke up to a dead battery. As a result, the alarm on my phone never went off and Luke was late to school and the morning was in that finally panic mode. 


Have you felt out of a spiritual juice and feeling like you needed a good recharging?


There are going to be times in our lives when we feel charged and full of joy and zeal. We’re also going to go through times when, like my cell phone, we will feel drained of energy and overwhelmed. 


Here are some common ways we can drain our batteries, at least this is my own experience. 


1. Forgetting to recharge. Just like I forgot to plug in my cell phone, we often neglect to plug back in, whether by talking to God, reading our operational handbook (the Bible) or fellowshipping when our lives get so busy.  I’m going to talk more about this on Sunday at Chileno Beach at 10:30am.


2. We often go over our minutes. The Bible focuses a lot on developing positive relationships with other believers to bring us closer to God’s Kingdom. Yet, unfortunately, we can sometimes spend a lot of our time with people who just drain our batteries. We need to use good discernment when dealing with worldly people.  Don’t get me wrong, we need to love on everyone, but at the same time, remember we are no good to anyone if we are out of battery. This is one of the reasons Jesus was always walking off to have quiet communion with His Father. 


3. Blowing a fuse. Have you ever tried to plug too many things into one circuit and blown a fuse? When we are trying to do too much at once it’s easy to blow a fuse and fully disconnect. That’s why it’s so important during times of increased stress to make time to plug into and maintain our charge by giving Jesus Christ the burden or worry we’re trying to carry ourselves. Mathew 11:28 is my go-to verse to lift up my cares. 


The Good news for us is that God’s spiritual strength is made perfect in our human weakness, even when we’re feeling drained and distant from God. His strength charges us when we plug back into His power, mercy and love. 


As, it says in 2 Corinthians 12:9


"My grace is enough for you, because power is made perfect in weakness." So, I'll gladly spend my time bragging about my weaknesses so that Christ's power can rest on me” 


Yet, He needs us to plug back in. Thus, it becomes crucial to know when and how to plug back into God’s Kingdom.  


Below are some basic ideas to get re-charged when your batteries are low:


1. Go somewhere away from all distractions. Many times, I go for a walk at El Tule or in the mountains to reconnect.


2. Grab coffee with a fellow believer. 


3. Find a cozy corner in your house and read the Word.


4. Listen to some worship music.


5. Come to Beach Church this Sunday.😉


6. Have a conversation with God out loud. Let Him know what’s been going on in your life.


Remember, God needs us to stay charged so we can know His peace and joy and fulfill the great commission.


We look forward to seeing you on Sunday.



Pastor Rick

Rick Gordon