Oil Change

Who wants to change their spiritual motor oil today? 


I was laughing to myself on Monday as I started drafting this week’s mid-week message on how I got caught up in all these car analogies the past 3 weeks. 


FYI: For all those non-car enthusiasts please bear with me. I’m sure I’ll switch it to surfing or snowboarding soon enough. 


Back to message: When you finally get a chance today to sit and have some communion with God after work and all your to-dos are checked off. 


Find a quiet place in your house and simply say to God that you want to have Him make you aware of anything that you could be doing or not doing that could be interfering with you experiencing the abundance of His peace and joy. 


Thereafter, repeat the following scripture from Psalms 139:


 “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life” 


This spiritual exercise can help create some awareness that have perhaps blocked your spiritual engine from running smoothly down the highway of life.  


Upon sitting quietly which isn’t always easy to do as our mind is still running mental errands try to listen or feel what God puts on your heart:  


(This deeply rewarding spiritually cleansing exercise can take some practice and patience) 


Once God speaks to your heart whether He illuminated some sin or resentment or perhaps He just reminded you He wants you to be in His Word more, follow His directions! 


Do what you need to do whether repenting, apologizing to someone, or even carving out more time for Him tomorrow. Just remember, the longer you put off whatever He puts on your heart the greater probability you are going to breakdown on the side of the road. 


This spiritual exercise will help you find and experience more joy and peace from bad habits, resentments, covert or overt sin, hurts, strongholds that are clogging your engine. 


Remember, like your car, it’s all about maintenance that keeps it driving well versus waiting for it to breakdown before you give it attention.  


I look forward to seeing you all November 7th at Chileno beach. 


Pastor Rick

Rick Gordon