The Corridor

This might be one of strangest Mid-Week messages on my heart to share as driving safely traditionally doesn’t usually fall under the umbrella of pastoral care. 


Yet, your well-being behind the wheel has been on my heart especially as the Corridor between San Jose and Cabo San Lucas has become equivalent to Germany’s autobahn. 


As Los Cabos gets more crowded, driving on the corridor gets statistically more dangerous. The Corridor in Los Cabos is considered one of Mexico’s most dangerous highways by the number of accidents per kilometer.


Upon God watering my desire to-share something on this subject. I turned to our operational handbook (Bible) for wisdom and direction on how we could all safeguard ourselves while navigating the Corridor. 


I was led to the Great Apostle Paul’s wisdom in the book of Philippians:


 “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others”


I found this verse to be applicable to staying safe on the Corridor not only for ourselves but others.


As, God wants us as people of faith to do our part to keep the highway safe by not driving selfishly or with pride but to be humble and consider our actions and those of other drivers around us. 


I believe by taking this spirit led approach while driving in the hustle and bustle of the Los Cabos Corridor it should help ensure our safety and others.  



Yet, regardless of how safe we drive, it’s important to look heavenwards for help whenever you get behind the wheel. After all, asking the Lord for guidance and safekeeping can provide a valuable sense of comfort on the roads.


Below is a simple prayer that perhaps you could read before you start the engine or some variation of it that the spirit puts on your heart.   It could simply be a new routine of buckling up and praying up.  



“Our Father who art in Heaven, I pray to you for assistance as we start our vehicle today. Keep us safe on the Corridor. Surround us with your love, shield us from harm. As the driver of the car, I pray that you’ll give me patience too. Patience with dangerous and selfish drivers! Please, Father, help me stay alert one the road and alert for my fellow drivers and me, please protect and keep us all safe.  In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”


Lastly, I just wanted to share a couple simple driving suggestions for the Corridor.  As you probably know, the left lane is the fast lane. Those wanting to drive fast have the right of way even though you might be going the legal speed limit. If you’re in left lane and driving the speed limit and have a driver speeding right up and on your back bumper, which by the way is very scary and intimidating. The safest and simplest thing to do is put your right blinker on letting them know you acknowledge them. Upon it being safe move into the right lane to let them pass at your soonest opportunity.  


Don’t let your pride keep you in the left lane as it will only escalate a dangerous situation.


The bottom line is that a lot of those horrible accidents we’ve all seen on the Corridor happen by cars following too closely. 


Remember, smartphones keep us connected, but also lead to a lot of accidents.  


Smartphones have something called “Car Mode” which turns off notifications from social media, texting, and WhatsApp while you’re moving.  So, you don’t feel compelled to check you phone while driving on the Corridor.  Sadly, cellphone usage caused 1.6 million accidents last year up North with one out of every four crashes being caused by texting and driving.


I hope this unexpected message is received in the spirit as it was written as your well-being is of the utmost importance to me. 


Pastor Rick

Rick Gordon