
I wanted to follow up to my Sunday sermon on how to find sustainable happiness regardless of circumstances.  I titled last Sunday’s message “Your New Zip Code.” 


Anyway, if you haven’t seen it and want to, click on the below link.  




My apologies if that came across like a bad info commercial. 


Moving on - Did you know God tells us to be happy more times in scripture than any other command with words and verses like “rejoice,” “be of good cheer,” “do not be afraid,” “give thanks”? 


As I said in last week’s Sunday’s message, the first thing Jesus taught the disciples was about happiness. 


What a cool Lord we serve. So Cabo and in-line with our very own “No Bad Days“ saying down here! 


One of the things that Paloma and I were talking about all week is just how much our son needs our help as parents to develop boundaries, so he experiences true happiness from social media, T.V. and all the other screens of life that are trying to tell him who and how to be. 


It led me to deeply meditate this week on how much God knows our own happiness, as adults can only be found inside His boundaries for our live. 


If you think about it - all of God’s commands are all instructions for us to stay happy and in our new zip code.  


The things in our lives that leads to misery are all things that happen outside of God’s zip code like pride, selfishness, unforgiveness, anger, resentment, and the multitudes of other sins.  


However, the things that leads to sustainable happiness, regardless of circumstances, are all part of following and obeying God. 


Think about it for a second, God is about love, healthy relationships, community, unselfishness, gratitude, resilience and grace. 


I’m a “keep it simple stupid kinda guy” and all I know is that my own happiness comes when I simply seek God and obey Him! Thus, staying in His zip code. 


Yet, in today’s world, happiness seems so elusive, doesn’t it? 


There are so many books that have been written about finding happiness, websites, seminars, movies, songs! Why? Because so many people are still searching for it.


But, I believe, along with all of you from Beach Church, that not only does God want us to be happy, but He also gave us the instructions to find it and live it. 


Remember the Word of God is transformative. Meaning it has the power to leap from the pages into our heart and regenerate our spirits to better receive and exude happiness!


For example: in Psalm 84:5, God says our happiness is in His strength. 


Once we absorb the below scripture and let it permeate in our heart we start walking in victory and not defeat. 


Here’s the scripture:


“Happy are the people whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage” Psalms 84:5


When we try to live our lives on our own strength, we won’t find happiness. God’s strength allows us to surrender the weight of our worry and anxiousness to Him and walk in the joy of freedom, versus being bogged down in the heaviness of life. 


Let me close by sharing that deep, profound, and unwavering happiness is in our obedience and desire to live under God’s authority and in His zip code. 


It says in proverbs 29:13 


“Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained, but happy is he who keeps the law.”


The above scripture was illuminated on my heart the other day as I drove past the Cabo Surf Hotel - along the cliff that has thaw guardrails. You know the spot where they sell

Coconuts.  The guardrails brought me comfort knowing if someone swerved into me, as we cornered and passed that vista that the guardrails (boundaries) would prevent me from veering off the edge of the cliff. 


My point is, without the restraint of those guardrails, I would experience a certain level of fear and vulnerability.  


Similarly, to how my son Luke would feel if he had no boundaries or rules growing up regarding the internet and screens.  


Well, that is how I feel about God’s laws He have given us.   It is not a set of rules to keep us from enjoying life. On the contrary, they’re there to provide us security and tons of happiness as He knows what is best for us. 


I’m simply saying “Father knows best. “ 


Have a super happy day coming under God’s authority!


Pastor Rick

Rick Gordon